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More time – more speed!

KartMania is the latest attraction at ArboPark, specially designed for karting freaks. Every day from 6 p.m., we offer you 25% more driving time on our kart track.

And from 6 p.m., you also have the opportunity to increase your personal speed level with good lap times.

Normally, for safety reasons and due to heavy use of the track, the speed level of the karts is fixed at level 7 for adults.

Now, this setting will be overridden every day from 6 p.m. at KartMania.

Experienced kart drivers can increase the speed level by achieving good lap times. This increase will then be stored in your driver profile.

You have to achieve these lap times to increase your speed level:

level 6 -> 7: Laptime under 26.00 sec.
level 7 -> 8: Laptime under 24.90 sec.
level 8 -> 9: Laptime under 23.80 sec.
level 9 -> 10: Laptime under 22.80 sec.

Every day from 6 p.m.!